When To Repair/Replace Your Driveway?

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Concrete is widely used in construction and it’s the most preferred material of people for their residential or commercial space. Concrete is durable, strong, and requires little maintenance. Aside from that, it can last for many years. However, due to wear and tear, weather conditions, or improper installation, concrete can get damaged.

Here at Bundaberg Concreters, we specialise in concrete driveways. If you’re having issues with it, we can send out a team to have it checked. In this article, we will discuss the signs we look for whether your driveway needs a repair or replacement.

Signs of Damaged Concrete Driveway

By nature, concrete driveways are durable and strong. However, you may notice signs of aging such as cracking and staining, this can be due to an improper installation.

Here are a few signs that your concrete driveway may need a repair or replacement:

  • Big and deep cracks
  • Uneven appearance
  • Pooling water
  • Warping
  • Discolouration or stains
  • Weather damage
  • Potholes
  • Sinking

Of course, proper maintenance and regular inspection can avoid the above from occurring. If you notice any of these signs, consult our concreting experts right away.

Concrete Driveway Expert Evaluation

If you believe you have identified an issue, it may be time to have a professional evaluate the damage. The condition of the damaged area will be assessed to check if it can still be repaired.

Having the issue assessed correctly and right away will prevent any major driveway issues later. 

Repairing Your Concrete Driveway

If your driveway has minor issues, these are some ways we can repair it:

1. Concrete Driveway Resurfacing

Resurfacing is done by adding patterns and colours on your concrete driveway and it can also fix minor cracking, calling, and spalling.

2. Concrete Driveway Engraving

One way to hide minor cracks and stains is to engrave patterns on your concrete driveway.

3. Concrete Driveway Slabjacking

This is for driveways that have noticeable sinking areas. This will help raise the concrete slab and return it to its original position.

4. Concrete Driveway Recolouring

Recolouring will make your stained concrete look new and fresh. Oil and gas stains and faded pigments can be fixed by recolouring.

When You Need to Replace the Entire Driveway

Unfortunately, not all damages can be repaired. Here are cases where your driveway needs to be replaced:

1. Multiple Concrete Driveway Potholes

Deep potholes can damage the foundation of your driveway. The only solution is to replace the entire concrete to prevent more severe driveway issues.

2. Major Concrete Driveway Cracks

Normally, f the crack is more than 5cms deep, we recommend getting the driveway replaced. However, please give us a call and we can create a tailor-made and cost-effective solution. 

3. Concrete Driveway Pooling Water

If you notice water pooling in your driveway, there may be drainage issues. This can lead to damaging your home’s foundation as well. It is best to get a professional out there to check out the situation and a cost-effective solution will be provided. 

4. Multiple Concrete Driveway Issues

If you happen to have multiple areas of damage and concern, it may be more cost effective to replace the entire driveway than to repair multiple sections. 

Why We Are Bundaberg’s Top Concreting Experts

If you have damaged concrete, you may notice cracks, chipped surfaces, or discolouration. Depending on the type of damage and severity, your driveway will either be repaired or replaced. Replacing an entire concrete driveway requires a lot of work and money. That’s why you should consult an expert to evaluate your driveway.